Tinkering With Ideas #044: Showing up online and for yourself

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Hello, fellow tinkerer 👋 -

Happy Wednesday. I've been my oldest child's chauffeur for the past few weeks. Such is the life of a teenager... While the thought of a teen driver scares me, I have to admit that my life will be SO much easier once I'm not constantly toting kids around.

My oldest will begin driver's ed later this year. If you're a parent whose kid is old enough to drive, please reply and tell me that it will be ok. 😊

1) Reflection:

Here's the thing when we're strapped for time: something's gotta give. For me, that's usually my personal projects. I have to do client work and I have to show up social media platforms (because that's how I market myself and I get new clients). I also maintain consistency with my things that have a specific publishing cadence, like this newsletter.

A few months ago, I announced a new course: 30 Days of Writing Online. It is finally done — much later than I'd planned. One of those things that got pushed back when other things came up.... I went through a re-design of my brand and it was a lot more intensive than I expected. I had a major home improvement project. And I ended up changing the format quite.

ANYWAY: I'll be emailing people on the waitlist on Monday, July 22. Want to be notified when access is available? Add yourself to the waitlist here.

2) Product:

A really easy tip for creating content online is to "take one thing and publish it elsewhere." Easier said than done though, right?

A lot of people take screenshots of their content and republish it as a visual. For example, they'll take a screenshot of a tweet, and then post that screenshot to LinkedIn. It adds some variation to text-only posts.

​Poet.so is a really cool tool for creating beautiful screenshot images. You just drop in the URL of your LinkedIn post (for example), and it creates a screenshot image with a nice background.

3) Tip:

Even though I'm lamenting the loss of time this summer, I'm mostly good about preserving time for my own projects. For me, that means waking up early and capturing a few hours of quiet alone time.

However, I'm not bullish on waking up early. You should follow your body's natural rhythm. I am bullish on finding a time that works for you, and protecting that time as much as you can.

I didn't do this nearly enough when my kids were little. Frankly, I was just trying to get through the day. But now, looking back, I feel like I lost myself a bit during the baby/toddler/preschooler years.

If you can carve out even 15-20 minutes per day, just for you, do it. Your future self will thank you.

Want more ideas?

→ Here's how to evaluate your personal tech stack.

→ I interviewed Christine Gritmon about her trans-Atlantic move, getting laid off, and moving forward with new energy. Check it out here.


That's it for this issue of Tinkering! See you again in two weeks.


Anna Burgess Yang

Practical tips to make your day better & make your life easier.

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